Family Law Services


Divorce is emotionally difficult for everyone. If there are children involved, then it is even harder. At Grace Legal Services, located in Lansing, Michigan, we understand how divorce affects everyone. We have helped many clients get through this time and make sure that their legal rights are secured so they can move on and rebuild their lives.

There are many issues in a divorce to consider so that you have the best strategic advantage you can have to protect your legal rights to your children and your property. If you have been served with a complaint for divorce, time is of the essence. You only have a short period of time to legally and properly answer. If you fail to do this, then it is possible that your case will default and your spouse will be able to direct the course of the divorce, which may not be in your favor at all.

Probably the biggest areas of divorce are child custody, child support, and property division. Child custody and support are discussed in more detail below. Property division involves dividing up the marital assets between the parties. Marital assets and debts are legal terms, and there are many factors that go into determining what marital assets and debts are and how they should be divided. As a very general example, one spouse's premarital property belongs to that particular spouse and cannot be touched by the other in a divorce unless it has been comeled with the marital assets. In these cases, there are sometimes prenuptial agreements in place, but not always. As you can see, even what appears to be a simple divorce can get complex very quickly. You need experienced, competent legal help to make sure you receive what you are entitled to. We encourage you to call and discuss these issues with Denise Cole at Grace Legal Services in Lansing, Michigan.

Divorce cases can usually be divided into three categories. Uncontested divorce, contested divorce, and high-asset divorce An uncontested divorce is a divorce case where the parties agree on all major issues, including property distribution, child custody, visitation, and support. Even though uncontested divorces are less contentious, the legal system remains complex. It is still a good idea to have legal representation in an uncontested divorce. Even a simple, innocent mistake can have a sweeping impact on your future. It could affect your children, your home, your property, and even your retirement. Having an attorney who can guide you through the process is very important.

A contested divorce is a divorce case where there is at least one major issue that the parties do not agree on. The parties may not agree on even a single issue. A contested divorce is much more complicated and stressful than an uncontested divorce, but with the help of a knowledgeable attorney by your side, this process will be much easier and much less stressful. Some of the major issues that arise during a contested divorce revolve around the children, money, or both. When this happens, there are many hearings that must be held, and there is usually much negotiation between the parties and their attorneys.

The courts today will order parties to mediation if they cannot resolve their differences before trial. The mediation process is often successful, but not always. If mediation fails to help the parties resolve the issues, then the case will proceed to a divorce trial before the judge. A divorce trial is like any trial; there are witnesses and other evidence presented to the court. Lawyers make arguments and may have to file briefs. At the end of the trial, the judge will decide on the issues still unresolved. If one or both of the parties are still unsatisfied with the result, then an appeal is an option. If your divorce is contested, please call Grace Legal Services in Lansing, Michigan, to schedule a divorce appointment.

A high-asset divorce can be uncontested but is usually contested at some level. A high-asset divorce is a divorce case where the parties have a large amount of assets, and much analysis of the assets is needed to be able to determine the proper distribution to the parties. In many high-asset divorces, there are prenuptial agreements. Just because there is a prenuptial agreement does not necessarily mean that one party doesn't get anything. The actual wording of the agreement will normally be controlled. However, sometimes prenuptial agreements can be legally challenged and possibly declared null and void. There are a lot of items that have to be discussed and divided in high-asset divorces. Make sure you have an attorney who can guide you through the complex process. In high-asset divorces, the parties commonly hire experts in fields such as accounting, finance, business, and real estate to help determine the value of property, but they can also be used as experts if the case needs to go to trial or even at mediation. High-asset divorces can be very involved. Make sure you have a knowledgeable attorney by your side to guide you.

Whichever situation you find yourself in, call attorney Denise Cole at Grace Legal Services in Lansing, Michigan, today to discuss your divorce issues.

Get in Touch With Denise Cole

If you have legal questions or require assistance with family matters, estate planning, or conflict resolution, don't hesitate to reach out. Denise Cole is here to help. Please fill out the contact form below, and she will get back to you promptly to discuss your legal needs and schedule a consultation.